Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hit News Stories Leading to Hit Songs....?

I believe the majority has probably by now heard something about actor Christian Bale and his epic tirade on set. Bale's eloquent display of recurring expletives was ignited by Shane Hurlbut, director of photography for Bale's latest film. Hurlbut accidentally walked onto the set during a live scene, sparking Bale's outburst.

Bale has been both berated and defended in every facet of the media since the news hit the airwaves. This tongue-lashing released by Bale scored a huge hit as a news story, but news is not the only category this rant reveled in.

According to Billboard, Kelly Clarkston's 'My Life Would Suck Without You' dominated the charts through the first week of February with 280,000 downloads. Although the first American Idol is a tough competitor, anyone can tell you 2.5 million is greater than 280,000. That's how many downloads audio engineer Lucian Piane, aka RevoLucian, raked in with his production of 'Bale Out.' Piane's track is composed of various soundbites from Bale's diatribe of profanity and was constructed in only three hours using Logic Studio.

Piane said...

The clip with Christian Bale was so rich with musicality, I couldn't resist! You have to act fast on these internet things, because they become old news very quickly. I couldn't afford to spend more (time) because I was finishing up work on the new RuPaul album.

After all the time, money, sweat and effort put into today's pristine studio recordings, a simple dance track with a bangin' drum beat and synth lead that Piane composed using soundbites in lieu of recorded or sampled vocals not only beats, but annihilates the studio recording. Keep in mind, Piane engineered this track for fun.

Is this a sign of trends to come for successful releases from an audio engineer, or is it merely a viral video alongside a well-engineered dance track? You decide.

Below is the above-mentioned video.

WARNING---Contains Adult Content & Language---NSFW

Here's another hilarious adaptation of Bale's shining moment. The above warning still applies, NSFW.


  1. I do have to admit, that is pretty hilarious. I've always thought Bale was a really talented actor but never knew he had such a bad temper, I was surprised when that audio clip leaked. I think what RevoLucian did was genius, Family Guy too. These clips probably get an equal amount of hits as the actual sound clip itself. This is the type of thing that you see and tell everyone you know about it, then they tell everyone they know and so on.

  2. I have to wonder, from an intellectual property stand-point, how long Plane's remix will remain on YouTube. It just screams copyright infringement... although in this case I wonder who actually "owns" Bale's freak out.

    Family Guy rocks. And, of course, that video has already been pulled off of YouTube.
