Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Introduction to 'Media at Large'

I will be discussing all things media within this blog. The focus will be centered around music, movies and TV but I will also cover other aspects of media if I feel it is pertinent. I plan to relate information regarding media and how it may affect, or is affecting, not only the common consumer of the media but also those who work in the industry.

New and old formats for video and audio are always being compared or pitted against each other in a battle for supremacy, new laws and regulations are being passed frequently and there are major changes pending already that will have differing affects on media consumers. It is things like this that affect everyone involved; the consumer, those who produce product; those who distribute product. I expect to learn many things in the attempt, but also expect the opportunity to share what knowledge I have regarding the subjects I touch upon. I may defend my own opinions on things media related that many others feel strongly in favor of the opposition, but will represent opposing sides with as much equal objectivity possible.

The blog will consist of all aspects of 'media at large' today which will provide plenty of content that may be informational, instructional, educational, interactive or any combination of. The list of communities discussing media related topics is endless, so a diverse wealth of material will be available for my digestion and evaluation. I aim to at least educate, and occasionally entertain, the reader with all things media. If the reader is better informed regarding any aspect of media that I may discuss, then the attempt was a successful one

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