Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's not all "Techno"

"Techno"...It's a term that makes me cringe. This is how most people would refer to Electronic Dance Music, or EDM. Techno is actually a specific genre that has it's own qualities that are different from other genres of EDM. There is such a vast array of different genres of EDM, and even more sub-genres contained within them, that even those who may not like music they consider 'techno' can, with some exploration, find something they like. I definitely don't expect everyone to know the differences, but below is a link where people interested in the differences can explore them.

This is a link to 'Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music'

It contains a sort of time line approach to electronic music. It provides sample music of each genre, but the publisher does have some bias that is evident in descriptions of genres he may not exactly be fond of.

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